Register to EFAS Mini Invasive Surgery Specimen Lab Course Augsburg 2024


  Basic course 5 & 6 September (2 days) Advanced course 7 September (1 days)* Basic & Advanced course 5, 6, 7 September (3 days)*
EFAS Member € 1 700 € 1 000 € 2 000
EFAS Non-Member € 2 300 € 1 500 € 3 000
Trainees (EFAS Member) € 1 020    
Trainees (EFAS Non-Member) € 2 000    
Course Dinner  € 66    


* The Advanced course and Basic & Advanced course are not open to trainees.

This rate includes, access the 2 days course and the coffee breaks. The registration fee does not include the social program.

- Registration only for surgeons

General Terms and Conditions

Any cancellation must be sent in writing to:

MCO Congrès - EFAS Specimen Lab Courses 2024
285, Corniche JF Kennedy
13007 Marseille, France

Fax : +33 (0)4 95 09 38 01 
eMail :

Cancellation policy

For any cancellation, the following cancellation fees will applied:

                  All cancellation request have to be send by email. Until 4th July 2024: 50% of reimbursement. After this date no refund.